Bolton College
GNVQ Level 2 Information Technology · September 1995 to June 1996
BTEC National Diploma in Computer Studies · September 1996 to June 1998
I started my IT career in September 2005, after leaving my previous job at PWS. I had to admit that on my first day, I didn't even know how to turn on a computer or log onto the Novell Netware network. But I was eager to learn, and I quickly picked up everything I needed to know about MS-DOS, Windows 3.11, and other computer systems.
My interest in computers began in 1995 when I started a GNVQ Level 2 Information Technology course. I had to start at the lower level because my grades from school weren't good enough for the higher-level course, but that didn't bother me. I was just excited to be learning about computers.
In early 1996, I discovered the Internet, or the "Information Superhighway," as it was called back then. I was hooked immediately. I spent the entire summer holiday learning HTML 4.2 from books I borrowed from the library. When I went back to college, I convinced my tutor, Gurbir, to let me push for an Internet/Web Design module on our course.
I'm so glad I took that chance. The Internet has opened up so many opportunities for me, both personally and professionally.
Photos from my time at Bolton College
Click the album picture below.
Location of where Bolton College used to be.
It’s now been demolished and an Audi Dealership is in its place.
Photograph of Bolton College
Original photo by Frank Green, Flickr. Thanks Frank :)
Intersting links
Video of Bolton College’s demolition, a sad day.
by John Westhead