Walking / Hiking
I met up with an old friend a few years ago, and he invited me on a walk up a mountain. I'd only been up one mountain before when I was younger, so I was a little nervous. But I bought some new walking gear and decided to give it a try.
I was absolutely exhausted when we got to the top, but I had a great time. I continued to go out with my friend, and we became great mates again. We also started playing Laser Quest together, which was a lot of fun.
Over time, more people started joining us on our walks. We eventually started going on camping weekends, which would always include a long walk. Sometimes, we would even just camp and forget about the walking!
One day, we decided to give our walking group a name. I think I came up with the name "Footpaths Are For Wimps," and everyone else loved it. One of our group members even designed a logo, which we now use on all of our gear. We also have a group mascot, which is a fox.
I hadn’t been able to walk as much over the past 18 months, as I've gotten out of the habit. But the rest of the group had been doing walks on their own. I'm hoping to get back out there more often in 2023. We've already done a few walks this year, and I'm looking forward to many more.