In 1988, my younger brother and I joined a karate dojo. My goal was to regain control over my left side, which had been partially paralysed in a car accident.

As a new member, I was assigned the number 66 and got my karate license on June 23, 1988. Sensei Paul McGee was our instructor. We typically had karate lessons on Tuesday evenings at the gym or sports hall in Sharples Sports Centre. My dad would often drive us there, as I was only 10 years old. Additionally, we sometimes had lessons at Bolton Sports Centre on Silverwell Street.

I participated in three gradings, all held at Little Lever High School. Remembering the katas was always a challenge for me. I managed to progress until I reached my fourth belt (or third, if you don't count the white belt).

Our training included punches, kicks, self-defense techniques, and discipline. I recall learning to do knuckle push-ups on the hard floor. I enjoyed karate until I struggled to remember my fourth kata. Unfortunately, instead of seeking more help, I decided to quit.

It's a bit of a shame, especially when I saw younger children with higher belts like brown belts and black belts. Despite my admiration, I didn't continue with karate.